Friday, October 02, 2009

Hello Blogosphere, it's been awhile. A long while.

I haven't felt the need or the urge to blog for the longest time, what with Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube (cos of my YouTube page), but I've decided to come back because nothing beats penning down your thoughts in prose. Yes, 140 characters is never sufficient when you need to rant or talk about certain issues (I'm looking at you, fail whale aka Twitter :P).

Singapore Idol Logo

As many of you may already know, I'm one of the Top 13 of Singapore Idol this season, and it's been a wonderful experience. I've got to experience and learn about how the show works and at the same time, made friends with a bunch of very beautiful and talented individuals. My journey may have ended this week but it's definitely not the end for me. I will continue to make music, but that will have to go on the back-burner for awhile because I'm starting my life as a college student.

To my fans, I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU for all of your love, support, encouragement. I wouldn't have made it this far without each and every one of you. Also, fret not because I still have my Facebook Fan Page and YouTube Channel where you can keep in touch with me and my music. Plus, I am still be involved in the upcoming President's Star Charity Show (11 Oct 2009, Sunday), the Singapore Idol Finale as well as the New Year's Eve Countdown party. So I'll be around. :)

In the meantime, I'll leave you with my performances from the past couple of weeks on Idol:

Singapore Idol Piano Show #2 - So Sick

Singapore Idol Spectaculars #1 - Heartless

Singapore Idol Spectaculars #2 - Together Forever

Lotsa Love xx :)

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